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Texture Printmaking Studio International
Collaboration Project- "Involved" :
Texture 版畫工作室的國際聯合創作 計畫 - 介質:
We gathered artists from all over the world to exchange works by mail for co-creation.
The print is started and finished by one artist,but three other artists alsoadd to the print.
Through this artists work together and become “involved” in creating new textures.
HOW IT works
Each country has four members numbered from 1-4. Each number works with the same number from
another country. The first artist will create 20% of the print, then the work will be passed onto an artist in the next country. The prints will travel through four countries before returning to thefirst artist who will finish the piece. Intotal each artist contributes 20% except the first artist who completes 40%. Each
artist will complete a print journal which outlines their creative process.
The artist are based in Taiwan, HongKong, Britain and the United States.These 16 artists, working in 4 countries,jointly created these 16 unique worksover the period of 13 months. Weare delighted to invite you to take aglimpse into their artistic journey.
每個國家有四位成員依序編號 1-4。 成員將與不同國家同編號之成員做共同創作,每次完成作品 20%後傳遞給下個國家創作者,每一件作品皆都經過四位不同國籍創作者,最後作品將回到初始創作者完成的最後20%,總加初始創作者 40%。每份作品皆有一份作品日誌,每位創作者在每次完成創作後皆需要寫下日誌紀錄創作過程。
這次由 住在台灣、香港、英國、美國的藝術家們參與交換 16 位創作者,從4個國家出發,共13個月,繞了地球4圈共同創作 16 件獨一無二的作品,我們誠意邀請你一起進入他的們創作路程。
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